Bryanston Square Garden

The Bryanston Square Garden Trust

Notices & Documents

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bryanston Square Trust typically takes place in March of each year. The AGM documentation pack will typically be posted to the website in the weeks prior to the AGM. Please use the buttons below to download AGM documentation.

The 2025 AGM will take place on 25 March, 2025, at 6PM at the Swiss Embassy, located at 16-18 Montagu Place London W1H2BQ. Trustees & friends are cordially invited to join us and express their views.

Management Committee

The Bryanston Square Trust Executive Committee is responsible for oversight of the finances of the Bryanston Square Trust and upkeep of anything within, and including, the railings of the Garden. Members of the Executive Committee are elected by the Trustees. Responsibilities are allocated among the Committee Members and may include: chairing the Committee; directing the activities of the Managing Agent; preparing the annual budget and approving expenditures; securing Garden Rate payments; organising community social events; reviewing and approving requests for private parties; oversight of communications, including the Garden website; and special projects.


There are always opportunities to support the Garden, whether taking photographs for the website, helping to organise social events for the community, or managing special maintenance projects. Please use the button to notify the Executive Committee of your interest, skills, and availability.

The Bryanston Square Trust has appointed Westbourne Block Management (WBM) as its managing agent. WBM may be reached via telephone at 0203 987 5050, or via email at WBM collect Garden Rate charges and pay bills to our service providers. Westbourne also handle day-to-day queries regarding the Garden, and are responsible for the issuing of garden keys.

Get Involved

There are lots of opportunities to get involved with the Garden, from greeting Open Gardens guests to organising social events, helping with the website, or liaising with local vendors. Please use the form below to indicate any particular interests or skills, as you like.

Volunteer with the Committee