Bryanston Square Garden

Important Notices for Residents and Visitors

The Garden is for the private use of the residents of Bryanston Square and other authorized keyholders. Please help us to keep it agreeable and safe for all who use it by observing the Garden Rules. Please do not place your neighbors in the awkward position of requesting that you or your children follow these rules. Repeated complaints from your neighbors may result in the loss of your access privileges.


GARDEN ACCESS: Salto keyfobs no longer work as of 6 Sept 2024. Please click on the Secure Access link below for guidance on replacing your old Salto keyfob.

PROVIDE FEEDBACK: Should the Garden Trust organise and fund the renovation of the Bryanston Square Garden Children's play space? Email the Garden Committee at with your thoughts!

Resident Notices

Moving Out of Your Flat?

To avoid accruing Garden Rate Demands after leaving Bryanston Square, please email the Managing Agent at to provide notification of new residents and return your keyfob.

New Residents

Please email the Managing Agent at to provide your contact information and request a keyfob. Proof of residency will be requested.

Rubbish Collection

Whilst Bryanston Square household rubbish collection does not fall within the remit of the Bryanston Square Garden Trust, questions and complaints about rubbish are often directed to the Executive Committee. Please contact Westminster Council’s Rubbish Hotline 0207 641 2000 with these questions or concerns.

As a reminder, household rubbish is collected on Tuesdays and Fridays each week. Please do NOT put rubbish out over night — it attracts foxes who drag the rubbish into the street and the garden. Items for recycling – paper, bottles, cans, plastic – need to be put out before 7.30 am on Fridays only, in the clear bags provided free by Westminster Council. There is a recycling center at the corner of George Street and Montagu Street. Rubbish can be left here at any time.

Rubbish should never be left in the Garden; if you bring it in, you are responsible for taking it away.


As an urban park, the Bryanston Square Garden is occasionally home to foxes and other wildlife. Residents and other users should exercise caution if sighted, particularly if with children, and no one should approach or feed them.

Please do not feed birds in the Garden or leave food unattended at any time.

Garden Rules

The Garden is designed to provide a place of tranquil pleasure for all residents, therefore the following are forbidden:


Ball games and
similar activities

Motorised toys
of any kind

Radios and other
audio devices

Bicycles, skateboards,
children’s pedal cars, etc.


Fires and

Persons using the garden do so at their own risk. The Trustees will not accept liability for any loss or injury however caused. All children must be accompanied by an adult, who is responsible for ensuring that they do not cause any disturbance or damage. The playground is reserved for children up to 7 years of age.


Please help preserve our lawns, paths and flower beds by:

  • Lifting chairs, rather than dragging them
  • Replacing chairs at the path side after use
  • Not walking on the flowerbeds
  • Not picking the flowers


Please take your litter with you, and always lock the gates when entering and leaving.


We aim to encourage the right sort of birds! Therefore do not feed the pigeons.


No parties may be held in the garden without the prior permission of the Executive Committee of the Trust. For more information, select Private Parties on the Residents page.

  • The Garden is intended for the enjoyment of those living on/around Bryanston Square only. For any planned gathering of more than 20 people, advance permission from the Event Oversight Committee Member and Westbourne Management (BST Clerk) is required. Gatherings of more than 100 people are not permitted.
  • The privilege of organising planned gatherings is reserved for key holders whose accounts are in good standing.
  • On agreement with the Event Oversight Committee Member and Westbourne Management (BST Clerk), the electronic paperwork and deposit must be lodged with Westbourne Management (BST Clerk) to secure the date. By submitting the paperwork, the hosting Trustee acknowledges having read and understood these Terms & Conditions.
  • Any proposed event, given permission from the Committee, will have access 2 hours immediately before and after the proposed event to set up and dismantle, clear any debris and leave the Garden as found. Set-up may begin no earlier than 8AM; the garden needs to be vacated by 11PM (including dismantling and clean-up) in accordance with City of Westminster noise guidelines.
  • The responsibility to clear the Garden of any debris remains solely with the organiser under whose name the event is booked.
  • Whilst the Committee continues to limit the number of private events to ensure quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the Garden, it is imperative that any proposed parties are registered in advance. Failure to do so may result in a fine or withdrawal of access.
  • Private events are not permitted during the annual Open Gardens weekend (June) or on Christmas Day.
  • Bryanston Square is a community as well as an asset and we endeavour to look after both! Failure to clean the Garden will result in forfeiture of the deposit.
  • Bryanston Square Trust shall not be liable for any personal injury or any damage to property occurring in or in the proximity of the Garden during the event.

Please click on the first button below to download the Garden Party Request Form. Then click on the second button and attach your completed and signed form to the email.

  • There is no charge for gatherings in which all participants are Trustee or non-Trustee key holders; advance notice of any planned gathering of more than 20 people is still required. A gathering in which the number of non-key holders exceeds 20 people is subject to the Party Rates.
    • Full Day: £900 for a full day
    • Half Day (8AM-12PM or 12PM-5PM): £300
    • Evening (5PM-11PM): £400
  • A deposit of £500 is required for parties of more than 20 people in total, and in any event where external caterers/entertainment are present. The deposit will be refunded upon confirmation that the Garden was left in good order. On agreement with the Event Oversight Committee Member, a signed copy of the Terms & Conditions and the deposit must be posted with Westbourne Management (BST Clerk) to secure the date.

Please click on the first button below to download the Garden Party Request Form. Then click on the second button and attach your completed and signed form to the email.

  • No commercial events are allowed. The Garden is available for Private events only.
  • All invitations to guests must be issued privately and not advertised on social media to avoid unwanted attention.
  • It is the party organisers’ responsibility to ensure that any guest who has access to the Garden understands all of the Garden rules and regulations and abides by them.
  • The number of participants to the proposed event, not to exceed 100 in number, must be confirmed by prior arrangement with the Event Oversight Committee Member and Westbourne Management (BST Clerk).
  • All events are to be confined to either the north or south part of the Garden, by prior arrangement with Westbourne Management (BST Clerk) and our Event Oversight Committee Member. Please remember this is a private Square and any disruption to the Trustees must be kept to an absolute minimum. The Garden will be open to residents of the Square in the usual way, throughout the duration of the event.
  • Marquees may not be installed in the central lawn (in front of the gates) due to risk of electrocution from underground mains electrical grid cables.
  • No glass whatsoever should be brought into the garden. Please use plastic cups, not wine glasses or glass tumblers.
  • No ball games are permitted.

Please click on the first button below to download the Garden Party Request Form. Then click on the second button and attach your completed and signed form to the email.


There are no toilet facilities in the Garden. Please make arrangements for your guests to use your home as needed. Using the flowerbeds is not permitted and as the Garden is overlooked on all sides, someone doing so may cause offence to a passerby or neighbour.


The organiser is responsible for ensuring that the garden gates are kept closed and locked unless staffed for the whole of the duration of your event including the set-up and removal of any furniture and equipment.

Noise Levels

The Square is solely residential and any proposed music, whether recorded or live, is to be agreed by prior signed agreement beforehand. The hosting key holder is reminded to be sensitive to your neighbourhood with regard to noise, music and proposed amplification. The hosting key holder is responsible for ensuring that the party is not a nuisance.

Shrubs, Flowerbeds, Lawn Protection

  • Please enforce best efforts to ensure that your guests and staff do not venture on to the flowerbeds and do not damage shrubs. Any damage will be taken out of the deposit.
  • All supplies are to be brought in/taken out through the gates and not over the railings.
  • Please protect the lawn and other parts of the garden from damage and ensure that any heavy objects, including garden benches, are lifted – not dragged across the lawn or gravel. Any garden furniture moved to accommodate the party must be returned to its original location.
  • No barbecues, fireworks or any kind of open flame may be deployed in the garden at any time.

After Care

  • Anything brought into the Garden must be taken away at the end of the party.
  • Please ensure that any food or other refuse is properly bagged up and disposed of.
  • Refuse facilities are available at the foot of Montagu Square; absolutely no refuse is to be left in or around the Square.


  • No animals are allowed in the Garden at any time, except for service animals. This rule applies to private events also; please ensure that guests do not bring animals. 
  • As an urban park, the Garden is occasionally home to foxes and other wildlife. Party organisers and their guests should exercise caution if wildlife is sighted, particularly if children are present. No one should approach or feed wildlife, as there is always a risk of rabies or other disease, including from animal borne ticks.

Please click on the first button below to download the Garden Party Request Form. Then click on the second button and attach your completed and signed form to the email.

Secure Access

The security and the safety of the garden are extremely important, and we make sure that this is held to the highest standards. The entrances to the garden are locked with a tamper-resistant gate locking system. This lock can only be opened if you have a fob specifically for this garden. These fobs cannot be copied.

Bryanston Square Trustee keys are only available to those who live on the square. There are also non-trustee keys that are available to those who live on Portman Estate. ​For more information on how to obtain a fob for the garden, contact Westbourne Management at


The old Salto gate-locking system was replaced in 2024. Old Salto keyfobs may be exchanged for new fobs by appointment at Westbourne Management (WBM) offices at 9 Spring Street London W2 3RA. Please contact WBM at 0203 987 5050 to schedule an appointment. A new keyfob will be provided at no cost upon presentation of the following:

  • Current Salto fob (blue plastic fob)
  • Proof of address (Council Tax bill or utility bill from the past 3 months)
  • Photo ID
  • Proof of Garden Rate payment – if the account shows arrears, the new fob will not be issued until the account is fully up to date.

Only one replacement fob will be issued to each eligible key holder address. In all cases, if an old blue Salto fob cannot be returned, a new fob will only be issued to eligible key fob holders for a fee of £100. In the future, any lost fob can be replaced for a fee of £100. The new fob issued will not be a second fob but a replacement, with the original fob neutralised immediately for security purposes.


By agreement of the Trustees, all key fob holders who do not pay their annual Garden Rates will have their keys deactivated. To reinstate your key, please contact Westbourne Management at

Get Involved

There are lots of opportunities to get involved with the Garden, from greeting Open Gardens guests to organising social events, helping with the website, or liaising with local vendors. Please use the form below to indicate any particular interests or skills, as you like.